; This file contains a sample a typical script required to run
; the WinFax scripted install. You can use an install script to
; configure WinFax to work with the following
; modem/fax devices:
; * WinFax PRO Fax Sharing Client "Networked" mode (Peer-to-Peer)
; * WinFax PRO for Networks "Networked" mode
; * Regular modem
; * CAS modem/fax board
; * ISDN card
; Do not delete any entries or sections that are not used. Simply
; comment them out with a leading semi-colon (;).
;Use this section to specify the installation directory
;and the installation type.
;INSTALLATION DIRECTORY--This entry identifies the
;installation directory on the user's computer. This
;example provides the default location.
EXEPATH=C:\Program Files\Symantec\WinFax
;INSTALLATION TYPE--This entry identifies the
;type of installation. The Typical option installs the complete
;set of WinFax program files. The Minimum option
;installs the fewest number of files required. Do one of
;the following:
; * Typical installation - Set INSTTYPE=0.
; * Minimum installation - Set INSTTYPE=1.
;Use this section to specify dialing instructions for
;your current location.
;COUNTRY CODE AND AREA CODE--These entries identify
;the Default dialing location settings for users.
;For the United States and Canada, the country code
;is 1. If you are setting up a non-North American
;location, type the routing code (or city code) in the
;AREA entry.
;ENABLE PREFIX--This entry enables or disables a dialing
;prefix for the Default location. Do one of the following:
; * Use a prefix - Set USEPREFIX=1.
; * Do not use a prefix - Set USEPREFIX=0.
;DEFINE PREFIX--This entry defines the prefix for the Default location.
;A comma adds a 2 second pause to the dial sequence.
;Use this section to specify whether you are installing a
;standalone version of WinFax or a networked version of WinFax.
;STANDALONE--This entry identifies whether you want to
;install WinFax to work with a local fax device or a remote
;fax device. Do one of the following:
; * WinFax PRO Fax Sharing Client - Set STDALONE=0.
; * WinFax PRO for Networks Client - Set STDALONE=0.
; * CAS modem/fax board - Set STDALONE=0.
; * ISDN card - Set STDALONE=0.
; * Regular modem - Set STDALONE=1.
;Use this section to specify the type of fax device you want ;to use with WinFax. If you are using a custom fax device ;created using the WinFax PRO Software Development Kit
;HAL feature, use this section to specify additional ;options for your device.
;FAX DEVICE--This entry specifies the type of fax ;device you want to use with WinFax. Do one of the ;following:
; * WinFax PRO Fax Sharing Client - Set WFXIFID=WPP. ; * WinFax PRO for Networks Client - Set WFXIFID=FGT. *; * CAS modem/fax board - Set WFXIFID=CAS.
; * ISDN card - Set WFXIFID=ISC.
; * Regular modem - Ignore this entry.
;MANUAL OVERRIDE--Some HAL devices are capable
;of automatically determining the appropriate configuration ;based on hardware detected on your system. These
;devices will perform this auto-configuration unless you ;set the following value to 1, in order to manually select ;the configuration. Normally, you should not change this ;entry
;INSTANCE NAME/ID--These entries identify
;the instance (or "operating mode") to be configured ;for the selected HAL. One of these entries must be ;provided, unless your HAL has auto-configuration ;capability and FirstInstance (see below) is set to 1. ;There is a one-to-one correspondance between ;InstanceName and InstanceID, so only one of the ;entries need be provided. If both are provided, the ;InstanceName will be used (InstanceID will be ;ignored). You can determine the set of available ;InstanceName values by manually configuring
;the HAL and recording the strings that appear in ;the configuration dialogs (in the "Model" list). To ;use InstanceID, a list must be provided by the ;manufacturer as it is not apparent from the "Model" ;list what the equivalent numeric ID would be.
;An error will result if the instance
;cannot be found in the set of instances enumerated ;by the HAL as being available.
;FIRST INSTANCE--If the HAL you are configuring ;is autoconfigure capable and the HAL determines
;that more than one possible configuration is available, ;this entry indicates that you want to have the first ;possible configuration selected. If set to 0, then you ;are again expected to provide the InstanceName or ;InstanceID, as described above, and if such a ;configuration is not included in the set of potential ;configurations detected, an error will occur. ;Normally, this entry can be left at a value of 1.
;This entry indicates that you want to automatically
;configure WinFax to work with a local modem.
;Before using this entry, you must do the following: